
Mind, Body, Spirit & You ---TIMES WELLNESS

You no longer have an excuse of not getting time for the gym. All you need to do is get together a few very simple equipments and start easy-to-do workouts in your own home. In fact all you really need is a chair and a couple of large, full water bottles you can use for any dumbbell exercise. You can even squeeze in some quick upper body exercises while you're on the phone with your friend. Following is an excellent circuit routine to follow targeting all the body parts.
1.Push-ups: Find a sturdy chair and use it to do a set of push-ups. You can start with a set of 10 push-ups & target to do at least 3 such sets over a period of time. This will give you great strength in your arms, shoulders and chest to do your daily activities effortlessly besides giving you a great posture, form & shape.
2. Hips & Legs: Find a uncluttered area – the balcony or terrace are perfect or just make space in your sitting room or bedroom find a good mat and utilize it to do mat exercises. This one targets your hips & legs. Lying on your side, take the leg forward & backward without arching your lower back. Do at least 20 repetitions on each side.
3. Toning your Abs: Make your workout a complete workout by toning your abdominal. This is again done lying supine on the mat. Crunch your abdominal. Remember the movement is not coming from your cervical spine (avoid moving your neck) but from your abdominal. Exhale on your way up & inhale down for more effective ab crunch. Do correct & focused move for 20 repetitions to get those 6 packs wash board abs.
4. Reverse curls: In this you take the legs up in air & try to curl them in towards you. Try to raise your hips off from the floor for at least an inch & you start feeling the effect on your lower abdominal. Do a set of 20 to get rid of extra flab.
5. Isometric stretch : It is also referred to as T stretch because you are drawing a T figure with your hands & legs. Lying on your side, you lift up on one hand to come into this position & hold & maintain this for at least a minute. Don’t forget to do it on both the sides. This will help you not only to strengthen your wrist and arms but will also affect your core muscles.
6. Squats: Aiming to get tight gluteus muscles, add some squats to your workout. Squats are all time favorite exercise for all the fitness trainers world over. It is a close kinetic chain exercise, which requires no equipment but uses your own body resistance. This can be done standing in a place. This is like sitting on an imaginary chair. Do 20 repetitions and then also assume this position & hold for a minute. This will not only work for your hips but also your thighs.
7. Lunges: Another exercise considered to be very effective world over, is lunges. Again it targets the thigh muscles like quadriceps & hamstrings. Take one leg behind, & raising the heel of the back leg goes down & up for 20 times on each leg. Remember the knee of the front leg would not cross beyond the toes at any time. Angle of knee flexion beyond 90 degrees can cause injury to the knee joint.

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